"On the disaster that was my bedroom:
The problem isn’t that I don’t know how to organize things per se. I am just really busy and sometimes things get completely out of hand around my house. At that point, discouragement overtakes me and I don’t even know where to start. If I start to clean up one room, the mess gets bigger in another. Heather operates like a tornado in reverse – one that creates order. She knows where to begin and how to leave a space so that order can be maintained. She came over and cleaned and ordered my bedroom. Heather is very quick and efficient and demonstrates a concern for the things that are important to me in my space. There might have been a couple of things which could’ve gone out the window, but she helped me find a way to keep them because they mattered to me. She did help me establish rules and limits to what I kept, so that I could maintain after she left. My maintenance of my room isn’t perfect - but 4 months later I am still able to see my floor (no, I couldn’t before) and keep it picked up and vacuumed and I even started making my bed. It is now a place I want to be. I also sleep better in an orderly place. Another rather pleasant benefit of the order in my bedroom is that I wake up without the immediate oppression of chaos! I am more likely to rise and shine!! That means I exercise more frequently which contributes positively to my mood and health. I definitely need more help from Heather at my house!"